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Bohemia July 2021 edition.

With the release of the second edition of Bohemia, we wanted to expand our horizons in terms of the topics we deal with and diversify further. We have added a new category discussing the latest crisis and developments in technology. Our goal however, has not changed from the first edition and we continue to aim to provide unfiltered information, free of the bias of modern media.

- Team Bohemia

And with that ladies and gentlemen, we are honored to present to you the second edition of The Bohemia, the magazine for the young and curious. With the tireless effort of the editing team of Bohemia comprising of Arka Chaudhuri, Soumya Jyoti Sain and Soham Bhar, we present to you, Bohemia July 2021 edition. Click the image below to read the full edition.

Check out our July released Medium article-

We would also request you to take a moment to read Innominate. Our associate magazine and a constant source of inspiration and motivation for Bohemia. Click the link below!

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